Christmas Paws!

It may be after Christmas  but it’s never too early to be ready for next year! I know, you’re probably thinking Christmas? It’s January! Well, yeah, you’re right, but I didn’t get a post up in time. Ugh! I’d still love to share my designs with you though. 🙂

Here are this year’s designs from the Christmas Paws Collection ~

christmasgreenredopenpawcharmearrings  christmasredgreenopenpawcharmearrings  squarechristmaspawprintearrings
pawprintchristmasgreenbulbearrings  pawprintchristmasredbulbearrings

So, what do you think? Do you want to be ready early for Christmas next year? Come on by anytime!
Thanks so much for stopping by…

Smiles and Paw Blessings,
Julie ❤🐾

It’s All About The Pawsitive Paws…Collection!


~ Pawsitive Paws Collection at Paw Blessings ~

Color plays with our emotions, as we’ve probably all experienced. It can make us feel happy, excited, inspired, accomplished and so many more wonderful things. Yes, I know, they can do the exact opposite too, but I’m focusing on the good! 🙂 With just one look, that’s all it takes, we feel a sense of positive ( “pawsitive” in my world ) feelings.

Our fur babies; pets; buddies; best friends; dogs; cats; furry critters, can do the exact same thing! They can bring out our happy side no matter how we are feeling. It’s what they do naturally. With just one look, with just one touch of their paw, they make us happy. It’s that simple!

Pets. Color. Feelings. That is what my new line of bracelets – Pawsitive Paws is all about! Below is a list/color chart, if you will, of what feelings come from each color. Remember that I’ve only picked out the positive and happy meanings. At Paw Blessings, we Celebrate the love we have for our fur babies! It’s all happy here!

~ “Happy Feelings Color Chart” ~

Pink– Love, Calming, Gentle

Red– Love, Gentle Warmth, Comfort, Energy, Excitement, Life

Orange– Happy, Energetic, Excitement, Enthusiasm, Warmth

Yellow– Happiness, Laughter, Cheery, Warmth, Optimism, Intensity

Green– Tranquility, Harmony, Calmness, Natural, Cool

Blue– Calmness, Serenity, Loyalty, Wisdom, Truth, Focused

Purple– Respect, Wisdom, Spiritual, Mystery

Brown– Friendship, Reliability, Stability, Warmth, Comfort

Black– Authority, Strength

 *Please note that not everyone will agree or believe, but we can all agree that we just want to be happy, enjoy our fur babies and wear pretty paw jewelry! 🙂

Happy Paw Blessings!


Dedicated to the dogs in the military and police force ~ Patriotic Paws

Come on over and see the Patriotic Paws Collection at Paw Blessings! I’ve listed below, the pieces available right now. Click on the picture and you’ll be directed to the listing. Super simple!

These designs are dedicated to all the doggies and their families that work so hard for us and sacrifice their lives. With love, pets and thanks! ❤️

~Silver Pewter Puffy Paw Hoop Earrings~redwhitebluepawhoops1

~Silver Pewter Puffy Paw Print Charm Bracelet~redwhitebluepawprintbracelet1

~Silver Pewter Puffy Paw Print Earrings~
redwhitebluepawstickearrings1~Silver Pewter Puffy Paw Print Charm Necklace~
redwhitebluepawnecklace4This is only the beginning! I have more to come! Thanks to all of you who have stopped in!
Please, always feel comfortable leaving me a message! I’d love to hear your thoughts! 🙂

Smiles and Paw Blessings~
❤ Julie

Patriotic Paws Collection has begun!

The Patriotic Paw Collection is here and has only just begun! I will be posting each one individually so you can click the picture and go directly to it!

This collection is dedicated to all the military and police dogs, partners and families who have and are still protecting our country, keeping us safe and free. Thank you! ❤

redwhitebluepawcollageI wanted to honor not only the men and women in the military and police force, but the dogs that serve and protect us too! These dogs go through way more than we do at home. Just imagine their training. They are dedicated not only to their work but to the people that care for them. Unconditional love.

This Patriotic Paws Collection is made up of red, white and blue Austrian Crystals with pewter puffy paw charms; all the designs are wearable every day of the year! This is not just for the 4th of July!

I can only imagine the loved ones that are blessed to have one of these dogs in their family. You must be so proud of your fur baby. I hope wearing any piece or pieces of this collection will help you show your love and support for them. ❤

Wear your Patriotic Paws with love and pride!

With Patriotic Paw Blessings~
❤ Julie

Silver Paw Link Bracelet~A Must Have!


I love to use links in jewelry – they’re so versatile! A bracelet was just begging to be made using this shiny paw print link and of course I had to add some sparkle to it. When I came across these “Montana” Austrian Crystals in my collection, I knew I had been saving them for something special. The color is so soft, just like furry paws! I think they are a perfect match.

Details~ I made a loop on the ends of each crystal, connecting the paw link to those ends then attaching it to the rollo chain. It’s a simple design, but is super cute and easy to wear. Simple is sweet!!

You can see the Silver Pewter Paw Link Chain Bracelet at

So, what do you think? I’d love to read your comments!

Smiles and Paw Blessings,
~Julie ❤

Fruity, Sweet & Summery Paw Prints!

fruitypawprintearrings1These handmade earrings are as colorful as the personalities of our precious fur babies! That is exactly what I think of when I see this design. Cheery. Fun. Brightens the day. Our fur babies!

Fruity colors of Austrian Crystals and the sterling silver paw print charms make great dangle earrings for all paw and animal lovers!

They’re fun to wear during the summer with the fresh and bright colors but can also add a colorful look all year long!

Find these “Fruity Paw Print Earrings” at!

Smiles and Paw Blessings,
~Julie ❤

Get to know Paw Blessings: What are your hopes & dreams for Paw Blessings?

PawBlessingsWhat are your hopes and dreams for Paw Blessings?

I want to be able to make you happy; to put a smile on your face; to provide a way to celebrate, honor and remember your ever-so-loved fur babies.

I will be donating portions of every purchase made to help animals in need and get them the care they deserve.

I have BIG dreams of creating a charity to help animals that need us. It’s a big dream but you never know what God’s plan is for you! Dream Big! ❤

I’ll continue creating designs that I hope will bring joy to your day, keep my mind open to what God has planned for me and I also plan on sharing some lessons learned from my fur babies that may even help you too!

That concludes my mini-series of Getting to know Paw Blessings. I hope you’ve enjoyed it and have learned more about my passion, love and mission for Paw Blessings!!

Come on over and visit me at!
Follow me on Facebook and Twitter too!

With love, smiles and many Paw Blessings,
~Julie ❤

Cherished Paw Prints ~ Earrings for the paw lover!


When I think of my fur babies, I cherish every moment and memory I had with them! Those silly antics they pulled, the funny positions they would get into, responding to you when you’d talk to them – yes, they do talk to us!  Don’t your fur babies ever talk to you? I’m sure they do! 🙂 Those memorable moments is how these beloved earrings were inspired – cherished moments that will stay in our hearts and minds forever! Boy do I love our furry babies!!

The round siam Austrian Crystals are a brilliant accent to the adorable sterling paw print charms. I love how even the diamond cut chain adds more sparkle to this original design! I brought back these original, well loved “Cherished Paws” earrings so you could cherish them too!

You can find these Cherished Paws at  Come on over!

Many smiles and Paw Blessings,
~Julie ❤

Our Treasured Pets ~ Paw Print Earrings

Treasured Paw Print Earrings

We treasure our pets so much that they have become a part of our families – forever! That was my inspiration for these paw print earrings.

The petite sterling silver paw prints are the main focus here; the gorgeous cobalt blue Austrian Crystals bring a touch of sparkle and color to this ever-so-cute design! Can’t forget about the sterling diamond cut chain it all dangles on; the cut of the chain has it’s own sparkle in it so when you wear them, you’ll see even more shine!

This is one of my original designs that I had to bring back because they were loved so much. I hope you enjoy these too!!

Find these “Treasured Paws” at

Leave a comment below and tell us how much you treasure your fur babies!! 🙂

Smiles and Paw Blessings,
~Julie ❤

Get to know Paw Blessings: What inspires your designs?

PawBlessingsGod, my doggies and the passion I have for animals is what truly inspires me.
I take the everyday moments of my doggies that are tucked away safely in my mind, the loving memories that are forever planted in my heart and all the love I have within me and put it all into my jewelry designs.
I can start working on a piece of jewelry and the design ends up being something bigger than I had imagined. It’s a fun thing to see it “come to life”. That is also an inspiration. One little inspiration leads to another and sometimes I’ll have several projects going at once! Actually, that happens quite often but it’s fun!
It’s the moments, memories and love that bloom awesome buds of ideas!
What are your favorite moments with your fur babies? 🙂
With happy tail wags and Paw Blessings,
~Julie ❤